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Maintaining Your Teeth Whitening Results

So the time has come and gone for your treatment and your teeth are glistening, showing them off to everyone and receiving unlimited praise. But, now the first few days are over you’re probably wondering how to keep them sparkling and how to maintain them? Look no further as we’ve compiled a few tips for you below in maintaining your teeth whitening results for as long as possible.

Avoid staining your dentures

Tea, coffee and red wine

As tasty as they all are, they contain a naturally occurring substance called tannins which provides the strong colour and taste and unfortunately is the cause of staining. Tannins are naturally brown-red in colour, and they’ll stick to your enamel to taint your teeth this colour too. The stronger your tea or coffee, the more you’re likely to stain your teeth due to the concentrated amount of tannins. Red wine is another common culprit for teeth staining due to it drying your mouth which then makes the tannins stick more as they’re less likely to be washed away without any saliva.


With the ever-growing amount of Brits smoking on a daily basis, it’s important to understand that the mixture of nicotine and tar creates a brown-yellow stain on your teeth. Because your teeth have tiny pores the nicotine and tar can easily soak in. Nicotine itself is a colourless chemical, but when it comes into contact with oxygen it will turn yellow. This also applies to e-cigarettes or vape pens. If possible, cut back on smoking, to help preserve your nice white teeth – another reason to quit!

Pigmented foods

Foods that are rich in colour and pigments, such as curries and strongly pigmented fruit, are also packed full of staining materials. This means ensuring that your brush twice a day, flossing once a day, and using an anti-septic mouthwash to help keep bacteria at bay.

Drink water

You may not be able to clean your teeth after every meal if you’re at work or out and about but drinking water afterwards could help to lessen staining. The water will help lubricate your mouth and help to move any residual food particles along including the likes of juices and other debris that could otherwise stick to your teeth. This can be extremely effective after having tea, coffee and wine, as it gives your teeth a little wash and break from the tannins.

Book your teeth whitening consultation today

If you’re considering teeth whitening in Lancashire, always come to the licensed professionals. Here at Viva Dental Practice, we have both in practice and at home whitening systems, so that can you can brighten your smile. Please don’t hesitate to get your teeth whitening journey started today.