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Dental health tips from your dentist

Did you know there is a method, a technique, to brushing your teeth? Well, if you didn’t then now you do! We’re going to be sharing with you some seemingly mundane facts that could actually transform your dental health and how you brush your teeth. Implement these steps, and you could enjoy much healthier teeth. Here are some tops tips from dentist for your teeth cleaning routine!

Using the correct brushing technique

There actually is a correct brushing technique, and not everyone is using it. A lot of people wake up in the morning bleary eyed and still a little sleepy, and so brushing their teeth is done in a daze. Similarly, brushing your teeth before bed at night might be done sleepily and sloppily. There are some conscious changes you could use to improve your dental health in these instances. The first is not to brush too hard. A lot of people apply a lot of pressure because they think harder scrubbing will dislodge more debris, but this will actually work to irritate your teeth and gums more. Start with your toothbrush at a 45-degree to your gums and carefully brush your teeth. Rotate the brush around to the backs of your teeth, too, and this is where plaque and tartar can build up very easily. This is a commonly missed spot, as people will brush the front of their teeth but rarely the backs, and it often takes a dentist to point out that danger lies there.


Using the right brushing habits

So, there are three main brushing habits you need to adopt: when you’re brushing, how long you’re brushing for, and when you should replace your toothbrush. Brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed, as a staple, but you could also lightly brush after mealtimes. Your dentist will know if you’re skipping out on these routines! In the morning and before bed, you should be brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes to make sure you’re spending the right amount of time on your teeth surfaces. A good way to make sure of this is by listening to a song or a podcast while you clean your teeth. Brush your lower row of teeth and then, after you’ve passed the one-minute mark on the track, switch to the upper row. As for when to replace your toothbrush, you should do this every 3-4 months, or sooner if you notice the bristles are beginning to fray. If they’re fraying before 3 months, you’re probably brushing too hard or using too soft a toothbrush – bring this up to your dentist and we can advise.


Don’t neglect flossing and mouthwash

These are two very commonly neglected steps in dental hygiene routines, but of course they’re very important in preventing gum disease. Brushing your teeth protects against cavities, but your dentist wants you to pay attention to your gum health too. Flossing once a day helps to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth that would otherwise rest atop your gums, causing gum disease. Using an antiseptic mouthwash also helps with preventing gum disease, because it kills the majority of the bad bacteria in your mouth that cause disease. It also neutralises your mouth’s pH and performs a liquid exfoliation on your teeth when you rinse with it, so it’s a great step to use in your hygiene routines.


Visit your dentist

If you’re noticing or feeling changes in your teeth, then contact your dentist in Lancaster to arrange a check-up. In fact, why not visit the professionals at Viva Dental? Get in touch with us today on 01524 735 431 to arrange your appointment!