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The ultimate toothpaste guide from your dentist in Lancaster

The Lancaster marketplace is awash with hundreds of different brands of toothpaste. Some focus on removing plaque, while others claim to make your teeth whiter. Some will reduce your sensitivity to extremes of temperature, while others say they’ll protect your teeth from gum disease.

If you have discoloured teeth, you’re more likely to choose a whitening brand, whereas if your teeth tingle when you eat hot soup, you may be more likely to opt for the sensitive types. You’ll be able to find a toothpaste that claims it contains the antidote to whatever bothers you about your teeth, but is this a marketing trick? Do toothpaste actually all contain the same ingredients, just different packaging?

What is in toothpaste

1. Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that helps protect and strengthen the enamel coating your teeth, making them less susceptible to cavities and general wear from acidic foods and drinks.

2. Abrasives

The abrasives found in toothpaste simply help to remove food debris and surface stains found on the teeth

3. Flavours

As helpful as fluorides and abrasives are, they don’t taste pleasant. That’s where flavours come in.

4. Humectants

Humectants keep your toothpaste from drying out and traps water in the toothpaste to preserve a nice, smooth paste.

5. Detergents

Detergents make your toothpaste foamy when you brush and ensure other ingredients coat your teeth.

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What does vary between toothpaste brands is the quantity of each ingredient. So, for example, as baking soda is a great whitener, the toothpastes known to be specific whitening toothpastes, will contain more baking soda.

The core ingredients will together help to keep your teeth cleaner, whiter, free from decay and gum disease for longer, as well as taste quite nice, so any toothpaste is far better than none!

The best way to choose the toothpaste, that’s going to be most suitable for your individual teeth, however, is to ask your dentist for a recommendation. He or she will be able to provide you with accurate advice as to the toothpaste that’s going to help look after your teeth in the most effective way.

Speak to one of our dentists in Lancaster

If you’d like to speak to our dentist here at the Viva Dental practice in Lancaster, please get in touch. We welcome all new patients and would be happy to schedule a consultation or check up for you.